Am I being stupid about this...?
I've got these 3 online friends who are all meeting up with each other soon. And I've been feeling increasingly jealous about it. I can't help but feel... left out, every time they start to talk about it in conversations. One time I was excluded from a convo for most of the evening because they were talking about their plans for when they meet up. The thing is, I know that, at the moment, it's damn near impossible for me to actually meet up with them, what with me living at the other end of the country, not to mention my parents... and yet it still doesn't stop me from wanting to kick something every time one of my friends brings it up. Plus they keep bringing it up a lot and it almost feels like they're rubbing it in my face, but I don't want to tell them to stop it because I understand that they're excited about it.
Am I being stupid and need to just accept that I will hopefully be able to meet them one day, or should I mention to them how I feel about it? I don't really want to ruin it by trying to make them feel bad.
I do actually have some real life friends, people. I'm not a complete hermit. XD I just find it a tad difficult to make friends due to being shy.