Why didn't Windows start on my computer?

When I try to start my desktop computer, a black screen comes up that reads "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this."
It goes on to give ways to restart:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
Start Windows Normally

It asks that I arrow up & down to highlight my choice - I have tried them all with no luck. The screen briefly shows the Windows XP logo, then the Dell logo and then reverts to the same message described above. Help!!
Is there any chance of getting this computer to work? It is about 8 years old but I would like to at least be able to use it. If I can't get it going, can I retrieve some of the documents & photos in any way? Thanks so much.


Favorite Answer

Dont bother.

It might be happened due to the sudden power OFF or
unsuccessfull shutdown.

TRY to restart the OS.

If it dosent do the trick/

simply install OS again.

when u will install a OS on the drive partition

all the data will be erased (i.e ur fiels)

so try to install the OS in the partition that u havnt ur files in that.



If you have an XP install disk you could try to repair Windows using that. Make sure your computer is set to boot from CD. Boot into the XP install menu. When it gets to the actual install screen it will ask you whether you want to install or repair an existing install. Choose the latter.
You can access your docs using a Linux live CD, Ubuntu for example. Again, boot from the live CD. When the Ubuntu desktop is loaded click on Places, Computer then click on the icon for your Windows install. You can then burn whatever you want to CD or DVD.


scanning the hdd for errors using a windows xp operating system. just boot with the cd in, then select r on options to install or repair, then type help then you'll see commands to scan the hdd, then type those commands. then it will come alright