I was bitten by a mouse. Is that alright?

Like the title said. I was bitten by a mouse (not too big, but not small either). It's only a light scratch. Sure, it's sting a little bit and left a pain too, but not wound (only a little scratch mark and a tiny bit red spot).

Oh, and the mouse is in the verge of dying to the rat poison.

I don't know why but my parents are quite frantic about it. Is it alright? Must I take some precaution?


The rodent (mouse) was just laying down there, so it attack because of my provocation I think. So I think it's safe to say that that mouse isn't infected with rabies?


@Amy- RVT:
I was trying to dispose the mouse. It was just lying over there, in the middle of empty living room. So I thought it was dead... until it bit me, of course...

The First Dragon2010-09-22T08:10:59Z

Favorite Answer

If it were my child bitten by this mouse or rat, I would not worry. I am a great fan of rodents, so I am informed.
Unless there is rabies in your neighborhood, nothing bad is going to happen. If there WERE rabies in your neighborhood, even in rodents, it would have been on the news! If they are really worried, they can have the mouse tested [call the Health Department.].
Any other diseases they MIGHT get, either don't affect humans or are not spread by bites. As I said, most wild rodents are healthy.
The rat poison, though poisonous if eaten, will not affect you just because the animal bit you.
I don't like to use rat poison because, if a cat or owl eats the poisoned animal, they can be poisoned too. And you don't want to kill the animals that kill the pests.
So just treat the bite as an ordinary cut; clean it and put antiseptic on it and a bandage if needed.


If the poor mouse is dying of rat poison and it bit you, well, a little bit of the poison might have been transfered no matter how small the wound.
wash the wound with antiseptic and go to a doctor for any injection.
I dont think it'll be severe but its better to take the precaution incase something serious happens.
and by the way,



It IS a big deal as wild mice are very very big carriers of diseases that are transferable to humans including rabies. Even a small scratch with saliva from the mouse in it is enough to transfer these diseases to humans. Please wash the wound properly with an antiseptic and contact your doctor about getting vaccinated against these diseases.

What I really want to know is why you were close enough to a wild mouse to get bit in the first place?


Wash the bite out thoroughly (scrub it, don't be afraid). Then put antiseptic on it. If you don't have antiseptic around, even a splash of chlorine bleach will work.

Everybody loves me...2010-09-22T11:39:11Z

You should b fine my gerbil once bit me and it was bleeding, now i have a scar where i was bitten n i was fine... make sure that u washed it properly tho :)

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