So in your humble opinion, what's the most noob-friendly MMO?
I've been cheating on WoW. Whew, it feels good to get that off my chest. Please don't tell! We've been together for a few years now, and while I still love him, I've just been... exploring my other options.
And those options were Star Wars: Galaxies(Human Jedi), EVE Online(Caldari), LotRO(Elf Hunter and Dwarf... person), and EQ2(Half Elf Wizard). Warhammer wouldn't download.
And without my 80s, heirlooms, gold, and guild to back me up, (not to mention knowledge of the game) I'm a total noob. So here's what impresses me as a noob in a brand new world...
1. Instanced Starting Areas: Holy... Talk about a way to draw a noob in. There's nothing epicer than talking with Gandalf or Han Solo and making you feel 'part of the world'. You're important, you lil level one you!
2. Not Dying: Easy-mode while I figure out what I'm doing? Yes, please! WoW was really bad at this when I first started. Damn you, Defias! Damn you, murlocs! Damn y- "Release Spirit?"
3. Options: Face 1 or 2? How about customizing every feature? I want to be different than every other noob on this server! Also, I understand class and race restrictions, but I don't like them. The first character I make will likely be my main, so I want to be able to choose the class that sounds the most fun BEFORE I buy your game, to see if it really is the most fun. The exception here would be races/classes that come with expansions, or have to be unlocked(Death Knights, anyone? No, you shouldn't be able to skip all of Old Azeroth.)
4. Fast Setup: I don't want to wait 4 hours to play your game. In those 4 hours I'm waiting, I could be playing and falling in love with a different game. Trial clients, anyone?
5.Help Me!: Tutorials, a "Noob Help Channel", and quests to learn your basic abilities are sexier than a really sexy thing.
And last but certainly not least,
6. Keep me interested!: So I'm level 10(or the equivelent). I'm learning, but it's getting slow and grindy, and boring. (And I can do grindy and boring, I play WoW after all! ;D) Those easy quests just got way harder, and everything isn't in the same general area anymore. I made it this far, but I can still turn back. I need a transition phase, from baby noob, to adolecent noob. Provide it, and I'm a happy camper. Leave me hanging and I wander around Stormwind for hours looking for Hogger. Games that failed this: WoW(back in TBC), SW:G, EVE (and I haven't reached this point on the others yet. XD)
So what do you think? What makes a game noob-friendly? What game is noob-friendly? And what should I try next before my guild catches me and sends me back to the Citadel?
I don't want all of them in one, read the title.
I'm just curious what other people think.
Like my friend, he only cares about pvp. That's it. The earlier he can do it, the better.