How to hook SCSI scanner to computer without SCSI card. Adapter?

I have an old flatbed scanner that I never even opened. It uses as SCSI cable to hook into the computer. I looked on the internet for PCI SCSI controller cards and they run from like $70-$250. You can buy a better brand new flatbed scanner for $60. Is there any inexpensive way to hook in the scanner or is it just better to buy a new one.


Favorite Answer

You should be able to buy a used old PCI SCSI card for a lot less, like $5 or $10.


I consider Tall Paul, it is going to value extra advantageous than the scanner is well worth. yet once you opt to attempt it your self (in case you have the understanding and the abilities), the least confusing and maximum inexpensive way is to purchase an USB parallel printer port and do the distinction from that to SCSI (if it is an 8 bit SCSI).