what is the question and answer format?

Received from Yahoo:
Hello Captain Bill
You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted and 10 points have been deducted from your points total. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: marine Science Questions please help!?
Deleted Answer: Doing your homework - try reading the material or do a search on the subjects to help learn. Does no one good if someone else answers your homework study questions. Good Luck !

Violation Reason: Misuse of the question and answer format.
Then on review yahoo says I did not answer using the question and answer format. What did I do wrong?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2010-11-09T13:32:49Z

Favorite Answer

Your answer was not an answer; it was a chastiment to the asker telling him/her, basically, to do their own homework. Answers MUST make a sincere effort to answer the question. If you don't want to give out homework help, find other questions to answer; don't just snipe at the person for not doing it themselves, no matter how politely you word it.

Specifically, the Q&A format means:
Questions must ask a 'real' question.
Answers must give a 'real', helpful answer.

brian 20102010-11-09T21:11:45Z

Firstly, the Community Guidelines states that a question must be written in the form of a question and not a statement or a rant. The rules also say there always must be an attempt to answer a a question that is being asked.

Secondly, your answer was deleted because you failed to properly answer another user's question. Remember there always must, and I emphasize must, be an attempt to answer a question that is being asked by other users. You failed to do so in this case.

What you should have done was just skip that question and move onto another one where you can easily answer it. It's the only way you could have avoided the violation and the loss of 12 points in the process. If you're contemplating an appeal, forget about it. Customer Care will uphold the violation and assess 10 points from your score. Please consider reading the rules and sticking to them to avoid incurring more violations in the future.


Question And Answer Format


For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awBVs

Don't like, it confuses me. Because it's all narrow, instead of being all long. I am sooo resistant to change, LOL. Oh, oh, I know: a CURRY! And a HOCK! That's what you were looking for, right? ;)


Rule is a question must seek facts or advice beneficial to all.
An answer must supply the facts or advice sought.
Your comment was not an answer

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