My dog is losing a lot of weight, need help please!?

My 4 year old male Rhodesian Ridgeback has been losing weight. His ribs and hips bones are visible. He eats 4 cups of food a day but isn't gaining weight. I took him to the vet and he had blood work done, was tested for valley fever, and an enzyme test, all of which came back normal. He's SUPER active, runs and plays all day, sleeps good, no diarrhea, no vomiting. We moved 2 months ago, so he may be stressed.

I don't know what else I can do. Any suggestions? Anyone else experience this? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Make sure he gets enough protein to help build back muscle matter.

Cook him up a big pot of chicken & rice or hamburger & rice & give a cup full in the morning & a cup full at night. Used by lots of people to bring a malnourished dog back up to weight.

Sometimes it is the dogs diet for a few months & some times it is just added to what they already eat.


Your Ridgeback might be able to handle a little stronger of a diet but I would check with a Rhodesian Ridgeback expert just to be sure. Second opinions are always good.

You might want to have him checked over for elbow dysplasia, dermoid sinus, or other conditions but tweaking what you're feeding him might be a best bet anyways, but only if the ribs are excessively visible. They run a bit then by rule of thumb so some extra calories might do the trick.

If he is staying active and seems otherwise healthy I would try a papered diet before too many more tests.

Just be sure not to over due it, your breed of dog could have worse problems from being overweight. The pdf in these sources has some case examples and photos.


Rhodesian Ridgeback Weight


well I know it sounds weird but instead of a vet go to a neurologist for the dog. Vets don't really know much, but neurologists only study the brain of dogs the spine and they also know a ton about things dog can have. I went for my dog when the vet said she was going to die, and the neurologist figured out what it was and now my puppy is running around and if your dog is a certain weight it needs a certain amount of calories a day.

11 pounds- 456 cal
22 pounds - 725 cal
44 pounds- 1151 cal
66 pounds- 1508 cal
88 pounds- 1827 cal
132 pounds- 2397 cal you can round of course.


Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is a silent epidemic, according to many functional medicine doctors. How to cure hypothyroidism naturally

People can suffer for years with symptoms that our conventional medical system frequently doesn’t know how to treat because complaints seem scattered or vague and often there is no pill for the ill(s).

What’s worse, in most cases, hypothyroidism isn’t rooted in a thyroid problem in the first place. It’s rooted in an immune system gone awry, but most doctors don’t test for the antibodies that show the presence of autoimmunity.

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