Bread flour vs All-purpose flour?

I want to make cookies. I have a specific recipe that I love, but I'm all out of all-purpose flour. All I have is bread flour. Can I use bread flour instead? Must I change the amount?


Favorite Answer

There is more protein in bread flour than all purpose flour and thus it is higher in gluten. It's not ideal for cakes and pastries and cookies really because of that and it can make it tougher.


There are many kinds of flour, bread and all purpose (A.P.) among them. There is also cake flour, self-rising flour (which contains salt and baking powder, but no yeast), various flours made from grains other than wheat (rye, oat, rice etc.), and also whole wheat. A.P. flour does NOT contain yeast, and most cake recipes do not require yeast. Bread flour has a higher protein content that causes more gluten to form and thus provide stability for the dough to rise and hold its shape while it bakes. It also makes the bread chewy and generally tougher, a quality you do not want in cinnamon bread and banana bread. A.P. flour would be a better bet for those "breads", because with its lower protein content it will provide a more tender chew. Because banana bread contains baking powder (leavening) it does not require the extra protein to make it stay risen. Cinnamon rolls contain yeast, as does regular bread, but you are not looking for a chewy texture in the cinnamon bread.


its a bit strong for biscuits/cookies really. they may rise. you'll get very big cookies!


honestly all flour is bad...