what is a normal IQ score?

just wondering, thanks :)


mine is 103,just wanted to see if others had heard different.


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The average IQ score is 90 - 109.


The mean is 100, however it is difficult to accurately assess IQ as if fluctuates daily. I have been a member of mensa since I was 15, gaining a score of 165 back then based on the 3 tests I had to sit. These days (I'm almost 50 now) I doubt very much that I would score as high. An IQ test taken when sick or tired will score dramatically lower than one sat when a person feels well.

IQ tests are a very poor way of judging a person's abilities as we all have our own special talents. I can solve verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests with ease, yet I cannot draw, am utterly useless at maths and have little more common sense than a child.

103 is a perfectly respectable score, particularly if you sat an online test.


The recommend is a hundred, besides the reality that this is troublesome to correct make particular IQ as though fluctuates each and every day. I somewhat have been a member of mensa because of the fact i alter into 15, gaining a score of a hundred sixty 5 back then reckoning on the three tests I had to sit down. at cutting-edge (i'm merely approximately 50 now) I doubt very lots that i might score as severe. An IQ attempt taken on a similar time as ill or drained will score dramatically under one sat on a similar time as somebody feels nicely. IQ tests are an somewhat unfavourable way of judging somebody's' skills as every physique have our own particular skills. i'm going to scrub up verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests very rather, yet i won't have the skill to charm to, am completely ineffective at maths and overall performance little extra elementary journey than a splash one. 103 is a fantastically first cost score, rather in case you sat a information superhighway attempt.


Intelligence quotient tests have been highly criticised for failing to be 'culture fair' as the testing material would be familiar to some cultures and that would give them an advantage. It is age weighted and the higher your intelligence the more quickly and the younger you can answer the questions. The big problem is that the testing is average across verbal skills scoring and spatial ability. Although I score well above average on the verbal side, I tend to score well below average on anything to do with measuements and technical ability. So the experts have sort of agreed a truce and declared that intelligence is a base general intelligence plus your ability to cope with specific problems; the point being that individual brains tend to have widely varying abilites to deal with different problems.
Words in everyday usage to insult people such as 'cretin' and 'moron' are actually very specific layers of intelligence keyed to I.Q. scores below 100 and the modern term for this is 'vulnerable' or 'challenged'. But intelligence is as intelligence does and bear in mind that the world's fastest reader with the ability to read two pages at a time in eight seconds and the abilty to perfrom impossible feats of memory could not even tie his own shoelaces - conversely, a man who could build the most complex engine sometimes can never manage to read. As a general point, there seems to be a shut out between the right brain ability to enginneer and the left brain ability to dominate the other hemisphere and it's language processing centre. These hemispheres cross over in terms of their control of the body so that a left brain stroke will damage the right side of the body and damage speech. There are a few people who have crossover skills and are good all rounders and a very few who are exceptional at everything - however, all of these geniuses would have one or two blind spots where for example they couldn't ride a bike.
Mensa admit people who have a score of 150 or more and a socially incompetent friend of mine tends to say that he is 'plus 52' - meaning average of 100 + 52 = 152 which would bring him inside the eligible criteria. Many of these geniuses tend to have behavioural problems as their high intelligence tends to put them at odds with everyone else.
It's an amazing idea that, contrary to the commercial where you can swap your cannabis ruined brain for a new one at the brain factory, that you have to cope all your life with the one brain that you are issued and that it is SUbject to all sorts of decline. There should be some sort of protest over this, surely.

I P2011-01-17T06:09:49Z

the range of an average full scale IQ is 90-110 where 100 is the mean.

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