if the earthquake happened int he United States?

and have the damage Japan had...Would Japan be as sympathetic to Americans as we have been to them?


Charlie to be honest I did not know that..


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Well they did donate hundreds of thousands for the Katrina cleanup.


The Japanese government and many Japanese businesses donated millions of dollars to Hurricane Katrina victims.

Casey - both of those quakes were nothing compared to what happened in Japan this week. The San Francisco quake you mentioned measure 6.9 on the Richter scale. The Japan quake measure 8.9. In other words it was 1000 times stronger. Please be serious.


I wish people would stop pretending the US is some sort of unrecognized saint in this department. When Manila was completely left underwater by Typhoon Ketsana, the US government donated a monstrous $50,000 to the millions left homeless in the former US colony. By contrast Australia donated $11 million.


I see the media running around like a headless chicken and talking about the dangerous nuclear power situation ignoring that obvious. The Japanese even though they suffered are not complaining or worried about the nuclear power plants.

Its a natural disaster and more will happen around the world. Life goes on as it should and was in Japan as well. People were still going to restaurants, playing gold and taking vacations. The media is also taking one at the expense of the Japanesee people.


West virginia no hurricanes no tornadoes no earthquakes only a lil snow un qinter humid summers chemical plants everything closes at night exept walmart krogers and gas stations n bars .boring unless like outdoor sports


Yes and No...America is considered so rich and so large in land mass that they are assumed to be able to handle any and all of their own problems. After all most scientific (and military) discoveries are made by the U.S. still.

But Japan, like any other 1st-world country does empathize and will donate when the tragedy is high.

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