Do you think the USA is in it's last days of existence?

It is hopelessly in debt; it's people are fat and lawless; it does not use the metric system; it does not offer universal medical care; it is the dumping ground of the world's most undesirable immigrants, and it favors dogs over it's citizens, and on and on.


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Not literally its last days, of course - but I regard it as a failed nation, yes - because what you say is representative of a nation that's gone mad and is on its way out.


Unlike you, this nation was not built by quitters. Your characterization of of America as a dumping ground for "undesirable" immigrants smacks of Liberal elitism, which explains your attitude.

The metric system?




Not if you join the fight against it we won't. Join your local Tea Party or voice your opinion to your members of congress. Power to the people!


No but we will have to change or we will be worst off than now

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