Is this a violation of the Yahoo Answers Community Guidelines or the Terms of Service?
Recently I've seen something new in the answers. People are taking the answers of others and are cutting and pasting it (either in whole or in part) as their answer.
Is there something in the Community Guidelines that forbids this or does it fit under the heading of "Cheating" in the guidelines since it seems to be a way of cheating to get the quick 2 points for answering the question.
Actually it is a little bit of a deal. I had a question reported as being a violation as a result of someone reporting ME as the person cheating.
I successfully appealed it since it was clear to the moderators that my answer was the first answer given and was more detailed than the person who only pulled a two sentence chunk of it.
I want to know what rule this falls under so I can be ready to defend any other answers that get reported and pulled.