How to identify a fanatic( fake) anime hater?

I'm not really sure if I should call it fanatic. To describe this uh, let's see.
There are people who hate an anime. They sometimes make a discussion topic for this but sometimes a person suddenly join and following another haters.
My point is: this person just 'hate'( or seems to) it because he want to follow the crowd without deep understanding.

So, this is the real question: How could I distinguish a fake hater than the real one based on what he write?


Favorite Answer

I see what they're doing, amateur trolls will never learn... Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, your question.

If he/she is stating facts [about animé] that you know are wrong, he/she is a true hater.
If he/she is stating facts [about animé] that you know are correct, he/she is not a hater.


Well if they're a real hater, then they would have proper reasons, such as thinking they don't always have the best plots, or disliking the way anime characters are drawn. If they're not direct obvious reasons, then they're probably just being prejudice.


You can't.
It is hard enough to psychoanalyze people to their face,
going by what they post on a website -- forget it.

Anime characters may be easy to figure out, but real
humans are so complicated, the motivations they have
for doing what they do (especially when it comes to
anything hate-related) can be so convoluted that you
can give yourself a lot of headaches trying to figure it