what do you think of this?, my eight year old son wrote this.?

a cold winter, all the penguins huddle together ,the babies must stay warm , the little ones sleep under daddys tummy,and under mommys wings, i wear a coat.

The Virginian2011-05-06T17:19:59Z

Favorite Answer

The child is realistic. Children tend to identity with animal characters, such as he does here. Yet, he recognizes, he wears a coat. In affect, I am different than them, yet being able to relate. We are all of God. He has potential. Encourage him to write. The last sentence is very revealing and sums it all up.

He is also undoubtedly a happy, yet a thoughtful child. Teach him moderation in all things. Quran only!




Masha Allah. Keep educating him sister, Insha Allah he will grow up to become a good role model for Muslims.

الصبر نور {Maya}2011-05-06T23:40:21Z

Assalamu Alaikum

Now that is just soo cute!! Major awwwww :D

Makes me want to have kids even more..MashAllah

May he have happiness in his heart Amin <3



It's something for you to cherish, not share on here, unless you want someone to take the mick

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