Does anyone have any ideas for a new R&S drinking game?

I tried taking a shot every time Fireball says "consider repenting", but my doctor said that was WAY too hard on my liver.

Think Outside the BOX2011-05-16T12:14:32Z

Favorite Answer

1.) Drink whenever Fireball says "consider repenting"
2.) Drink whenever NCWJ asks a question posed to Atheists
3.) Drink whenever Atheists use the following words: "logic", "reason", "science", or "fact"
4.) Drink twice whenever a muslim puts up a text wall
5.) Kill the bottle when Frogma answers a question seriously

I doubt people would last 2 minutes in that game.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree2011-05-16T12:09:10Z

I've noticed that usually when the sun goes down and most christian parents are soundly assleep the christian kiddies come out to play. Then a stream of jacking-off questions will start rolling by from the guilt laden christians trying to find a loop hole in their guilt laden religion based upon bringing someone to their knees in guilt.

That would be awful hard on your and everyone else's liver too.

Is weed bad for the liver? Maybe just switch weed for booze? Divide up an 8th of a gram and start smoking it when the guilt laden kiddies start posting with their dirty little sticky fingers.

Moon Shadow2011-05-16T12:01:47Z

A shot every time someone asks why atheists are on this site as it's the 'religion and spirituality' section.

And down a cheap alco-pop every time someone uses Pascales Wager.

And a gulp of fine whisky every time an interesting question is deleted.


Well, you could drink every time May 21, 2011 is mentioned, but I don't think that would help your liver any either.


If we don't kill ourselves with alcohol, what's the point?

How about we take a drink every time a Christian asks a question that starts with "Atheists," and which subsequently contains no question at all because it's just a rant. We could do the same with atheist questions that start with "Christian!"

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