Port Authority of New York Toll increase?

The P.A. claims it's short of funds with the income they already have?
Why is no one asking how much public funds are being dumped into that W.T.C
boondoggle which involves soem of Bloomberg's private real estate investor chronies?
Why build an office tower when what the area really needed was a large parking structure
transit terminal, and commercial retail spaces?


Time for an honest audit?

who WAS #1?2011-08-12T12:17:46Z

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Parking structure in Manhattan? My Friend, you are making too much sense!
I read recently that WTC will get its very own police force, a subsidiary of NYPD. Such a common sense idea as additional parking in the world's most dense population center (except maybe for Tokyo) is not conducive to graft, corruption, profit and Power.

Not being a New Yorker, I never understood why the Port Authority gets to control the whole island. Does this legacy go all the way back to the 1700s? Somebody's making money off this.

Audit? YES!

When I was driving 18 wheelers around America I used to have a little fun with the toll booth operators, asking how a State can tax interstate commerce when the Federal Constitution forbids it. Best answer I ever got was from a toll booth operator in New York State: "This is New York. The Federal Constitution doesn't apply here". And he was serious, really believed it.