Is it illegal to download music videos from YouTube...?

...for my own personal use?


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Yes And no .. Depends On What You're Downloading it For .. If You Download it For Personal Viewing Later it Can be Argued That it is " Time Shifting " Which is The Reason VHS Was Able To Survive it's lawsuits Back in The 80s .. If The Site Or The Poster Specifically State That U Can't Then it's illegal. If U intend To Distribute it, Regardless Of Whether U Sell it Or not U Are Breaking Copyright law ( Which is a Civil Matter ) .. Selling it Can Land U in Hotter Water Because Now it's Considering Stealing ( Remember The FBI Warnings At The Beginning Of Movies ? ) U Can Store it On Any Medium U Choose As Long As it Remains For Personal Use .. Also, Downloading Movies And Music From Torrents Or P2P is Currently not illegal, Though not For Trying .. The Mpaa And Riaa Have been Attempting To Change The laws To Make it illegal, But if U Already Own The Thing You're Downloading Then it is Considered Shifting Mediums And is Legal ( Like Ripping Music From Cds For Use On Your iPod ) ..

Breaks Down like This, if The Owner Says no, U Don't Already Own a Copy, Or Have To Hack The Site / Copy Protection Then U Are breaking The law .. Otherwise, if it is Freely Provided And U Have Recorded it For Time Shifting Purposes Only U Are Ok .. The laws Are Complex So Do Some Researching before Making Any Other Choices ..

For More information .. Visit This Link ..


Technically it violates infringement. But you can get away with it without them tracking you down, I've done it a few times, but what I've always done is converted the video to an MP3 file so that I can listen to it via WMP etc. search up places that convert youtube videos to mp3 and go from there.

On a moral level, I suggest that you go and buy the CD's, I used to download songs, until I bought the CD, but now I just use Youtube until I get the CD. And when I do download off of Youtube, it's to get live versions that I couldn't otherwise purchase in a store or online.


You could endeavor atube Catcher. It provides for you an opportunity download videos and sound from Youtube easily including Mp3 and Mp4.

In case you download the peculiarities in a game plan flawless with your mobile phone, for instance, your ipod, iphone, PSP, Nokia or whatever you may use, then you can fundamentally drag them or use a pariah application like itunes or Floola to take your new gimmicks or music wherever you go.

you can download atube catcher here


technically youtube is designed for all customers to function own video clips for streaming notwithstanding it would not stop somebody to function reproduction righted fabric at the same time with stable track video clips, video clips, and so on. SO definite and NO it particularly is not unlawful to get carry of home made video clips that customers make a placed up themselves yet while someone posts a duplicate righted piece then definite it would be unlawful to get carry of the record. yet no concerns YOUTUBE is plenty from being concentrated like Napster and Kazaa grow to be because of the fact it particularly is not a Peer2Peer record sharing utility or web site it particularly is a stay Video Streaming web site and if others Create courses that assist you get carry of The video then sturdy for them I particularly doubt you will get in worry.


Yes indeedy

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