Can you properly critique a bad poem?
I confess. I wrote this.
Please give at least two thoughtful reasons
why this poem s*cks if you expect a BA
Theo Geisel, I hardly knew ye
sad lad
said his dad
made him mad
said his dad
took his rad
lifestyle for a fad
bad dad
what he had
in this lad
what he had
was a tad
more than he thought he had
'cause the lad
became a grad
and the dad
was very glad
dad and lad
glad and grad
not a bad
Definition of DYAD
: pair; specifically : two individuals (as husband and wife) maintaining a sociologically significant relationship
@:AlphaCrucis from Hellas
Aristarchus was a mathematician and astronomer;
Socrates was,a philosopher.
-->not a fair fight for either
how did you know dad and lad were
Vlad and Vlad, Jr.?
Thanks for the compliment,
but you're just swayed by the esoteric
and totally irrelevant title