Please pray for Iranian man who is scheduled to be executed for not converting to Islam?

An Iranian pastor is scheduled to be executed as early as Friday for refusing to convert back to Islam.

Youcef Nadarkhani, who was arrested in 2009 for the crime of apostasy, has reportedly been given three opportunities to recant his Christian faith. Although no verdict was reached after the pastor’s last hearing on Wednesday, September 28, some reports from the region suggest that he may be put to death by the end of the week.


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Credible link required, this can't be right

Edit: @Salvaged - Rather than thumb me down, provide the link to the story, I'm not gonna take your word for it


I also put this up. I join with this man in prayer. I pray his life will glorify God
and if God deems his death to be best, then his death will further do so.
I was told Iran was liberal, not strict, but doesn't look that way.;_ylt=AsNXiDmBCPIxHHyu9H65uufAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110930154428AAcJZPv

If Islam is such a wonderful religion of peace, what concerns do they have that
this man follows Jesus? People leave Christianity, and we don't kill them.

Here is some of that article for some to read:

TEHRAN (BP) -- A Christian pastor in Iran has twice refused to recant his faith in court and could be executed within days, which would make him the first since 1990 to be put to death by the government for apostasy.

Yousef Nadarkhani, who leads a 400-person house church movement, refused in court on Sept. 25 and Sept. 26 to recant Christianity and was scheduled to get two more chances on Sept. 27 and Sept. 28, according to the British-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), which monitors religious freedom.

If he refuses the next two times to recant, he will be executed, CSW reported.

Nadarkhani seemed to have a sliver of hope earlier this year when the Iranian Supreme Court ordered a lower court to examine whether he was ever a Muslim -- a fact essential to determine whether he left Islam for Christianity. But that lower court in Rasht, Iran, found that

although Nadarkhani was never a practicing Muslim

"he remains guilty of apostasy because he has Muslim ancestry,"

CSW reported.

So, if someone has ancestors who are Muslim, they may not leave Islam,
according to this charge.



Now yahoo is allowing random voting on answers ~
~next it'll b spam replies~
Don't practice freedom of religion in Iran ~


Now see, this is what the Islam religion is really all about. We should be having a war on the Islam religion. It needs to be wiped out, so others can be safe. The man will be in my thoughts.

Christine H2011-10-01T16:00:49Z

They take it upon themselves to do God's will in their own way!

And unfortunately no one comes back to tell them they are getting it wrong.

God rest his soul in peace if they murder him.

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