Any ideas on how to get him to go?

Our little boy is potty trained when it comes to number 1, but he refuses to go number 2 in the toilet. He only wears diapers at nighttime and poops in his underwear almost every day.

We have not been scolding him at all and just talk to him about it. Tell him he'll get a piece of candy if he goes in the potty, and he knows this, says this but just doesn't do it. Even the daycare is wondering what's up.

Any ideas? He'll be 3 in November and has been potty trained with pee pee for over a month.


We've been reading Everyone Poops on and off for a month.
I also did the cheerios thing with pee and that worked, so maybe I can try.
I think having him sit on it more often at his number 2 time might help as well as doing stickers.

As for the person saying he's not ready - maybe he's not ready for pooping, but I am NOT going to go back to diapers when he goes to the potty perfectly well for peeing. No reason to take a step back when we are more than half way there. He knows what he is supposed to do and articulates it perfectly well, he just keeps going in his underwear for number 2.

Tes Ter2011-10-11T09:19:01Z

Favorite Answer

Make a chart that he will collect stickers on every time he succeeds in going potty. When you fill up a line (or a weeks worth of stickers) on the chart, take him out for a treat (like, Ice Cream, perhaps). The kid will enjoy going potty because they will see their progress on the chart and the stickers and ice cream are real motivation!


I had the same problem with my girl she was potty trained to peepee at 2 and refused to poo in the potty at 3 I was over pull ups and cleaning undies so I used the weekend and an egg timer and made Sissa sit on the potty for 5 minutes every 20 minutes and I also resorted to bribery I tape a 20 on the wall and told her if she pottied it was hers and one day of that and she finally pooed in the potty and she got to buy some big girl panties with her money and we haven't had an accident yet....oh yeah we also made a big deal about throwing all the diapers and pull ups away in the big trash can on trash day so we could watch them go away but don't let anyone tell you a kid is to be potty trained by a certain age not all kids walk and talk at a certain aage so why would potty training be any differnt


The daycare should be a little more informed about toilet training. It is VERY common for children to take a longer time to poop in the toilet. That being said, you still probably aren't enjoying cleaning up the undies. How "regular" is your child....if he goes the same time every day (morning, after supper etc) then you can make a couple extra trips to the bathroom to "try."
PS totally recommend the book "everybody poops" for that age.


try putting Cheerios in the potty and telling him to try to go #2 on them little boy no matter how hard you try are kind of gross and will probably thank it is funny. but try doing every 15 min and stay on it for 5 min but you can also tell him that its ok to go #2 in the potty and tell him he is a big boy and that big boys get to do fun things and list some things he likes to do. i hope this helps

Sean M2011-10-11T09:27:41Z

He's showing he isn't emotionally ready for training.
Go back to diapers for a little while. Back off completely. If he asks to use the potty, then go ahead. But back off for a little while.

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