How can I fight a "Left Turn on wrong posted time" ticket"?

I receive a traffic ticket in the city of Glendale CA for making a left turn on a time interval that did not allow me to. When I entered the lane to to make the turn I did notice that I was not allowed to make the turn at the time. It was difficult for me to notice the sign since the sign was not a solid red color but a lighter pink. I didn't notice that it was a no left turn until it was too late. Is there any way I can fight it because of the discoloration of the sign? I tried to look up any rules the city needs to follow regarding signage and was not able to find anything. Does anyone know where I can find such information?

I also knew that it is illegal to leave a turn lane when already inside it. Can there be a possibility I can use this also? If anyone can help it would be very much appreciated. Thank you


I know it is illegal to leave the turn lane because in the past I was given a ticket for that reason. I notified the officer at the time I was leaving the lane because I considered it be unsafe to enter the freeway with an empty tank of gas. But he didn't care. He still wrote me the ticket.


Favorite Answer

Often in the past a judge would reduce a fine if you physically appear in court to plead your case, but in these days of money shortfalls that may be a thing of the past. Also, unless you live there and can get the time to appear off from work it is probably a losing proposition for you.
Why would it be illegal to move from the turn lane back into the traffic lane? I'm not from California but I haven't heard of this. That would be injust since, as you point out, once you made the lane change there would be no way not to violate the law at that point, and you could hardly sit there and not move. That sounds spurious to me.
If you do appear in court, be pleasant and complimentary, and dressed in casual business attire. If you show an attitude or appear in your favorite Judus Priest t-shirt, don't even bother showing up. Have a photograph of the scene, if you really think the signage is poor, but don't hang your hat on it.
Good Luck


If the sign was not legible, maybe. You'd have to bring evidence of same. However, since apparently you were the only person who couldn't read it, I doubt that would be a reasonable defense.


You could get a lawyer and try to fight it; but, I suggest you just pay the ticket, chalk it up to experience, and go on.


Nope. No excuse that a judge will look at.

falsi fiable2011-10-25T06:41:46Z

Incidental errors on your ticket do not void it.