Does Revelation 17 to 19 (first part) pertain to the fall of United Nations?
People are so naïve for they do not know where the authorities are leading the world. They could not even understand what God is doing to clear things out.
In 2001, God made the author Winston Kayanan from the Philippines to invent a multi-purpose & multi-benefit technology in 3 months with the end in view of remaking & rebuilding earth by promoting biological activity in land, sea & air. This would undoubtedly stop & eradicate global warming & climate change because it will dramatically induce “photosynthesis & chemosynthesis”. It has 3 functions, to eliminate wastes, rehabilitate soil and cure the environment.
He started the offer to the Philippine government but, since piracy of a portion of the technology (50%) took place, he withdrew & elevated the offer to UNEP in December 2002. UN ignored, refused & rejected the offer since there was an impending Kyoto Protocol Treaty, having carbon emission reduction as its mission. Then severity of climate change began in June 2003. The Philippines was the first to experience the might of the storm, releasing huge rainfall that flooded the greater central part of the Philippines. And in July-August 2003, France & its neighboring countries experienced extreme heat wave that caused brush & forest fires and sudden death of 10,000 people. Other parts of the world had experienced different kinds of phenomenon of weather disturbances, land destruction, health illnesses & death as unending effects of climate change every year from its cause, global warming. Thus, the Philippine technology was rightfully & appropriately suited to combat global warming & climate change, too far better than carbon emission reduction.
After the third & last offer to UNEP was made in April 2004, God made the author to read Daniel 7. In three consecutive nights, the author could not understand. But on the 4th day, God gave its true meaning and, on the 5th day, he sent his brief interpretation to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. The same with UN, nothing came about with the Bishops.
In Daniel’s vision, the small horn was identified as UNEP (described with eyes, interpreted as eyes of the storm; and, mouth, interpreted as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.). According to the scriptures, the small horn made 3 kings fall which were identified as FAO (agriculture), WHO (health) & WMO (weather & climate). Then the author concluded that the Philippine technology is truly the solution to global environmental problems. Promotion continued to foreign countries through their embassies here in the Philippines, furnishing notices to environmental educational schools, local & international media, NGO’s like Greenpeace & Oxfam and lastly, the people who were the last to be informed (through the net).
Challenging the scientific community, deluded by UN’s false carbon emission reduction, was great since they never knew that the world is running out oxygen, i.e., having a temporary loss or shortage, causing natural disasters. When God made the author to interpret Genesis 1-3 (September 2001), 2nd Peter 2-3 (October 2011) & Revelation 1-22 (October 2011), the challenge shifted to the religious community, deluded by false interpretations of the Catholic Church. It was also great since they never knew that God’s prophetic words in the Bible are coming out in reality in this generation. These gave way in determining that the world is proven to be lost in faith without direction, mesmerized by deceits of evil.
To answer the above question, God is sentencing UN to its end by termination. Crimes of conspiracy, rebellion, treason or arson will occur that will topple it. The woman represents the United Nations, the mother organization.. The prostitute is UN’s Secretariat, said to have led leaders of nations to sin & to have brought countries to mockery. The beast is UN’s ECOSOC and the 10 horns are its specialized agencies. All of them tried their best to fight global warming & climate change but could not stop it since the seven plagues are unknowingly under the supervision of Christ Jesus (Rev. 15 & 16). Per God’s plan, the ten specialized agencies together with ECOSOC will conspire & plot against the current administration of UN’s Secretariat. They will revolt & set fire by arson on UN’s building (Daniel 7: 11, “its body destroyed & cast into the fire” and, in Rev. 17: 16, “they will destroy her & leave her naked; they will eat her flesh & set her on fire”) and this will be the downfall of United Nations. This is expected anytime to come, late 2011 or early 2012, before the coming of the Son of Man.