My computer won't recognize my Kindle Fire?

So, I've consulted other online forums and such, and now I'm coming here. I plug my Kindle Fire into my computer, unlock it, and then go to My Computer and look for the Kindle. There's nothing there. Nothing new pops up in My Computer after connecting the Kindle. I tried all my ports, restarting my Kindle, and restarting my computer. I read the Kindle Fire User's Guide, and it said that first you connect your Kindle Fire to your computer with a micro-USB cable (sold separately). So I used my old phone cord, which said it would work with any Android device. There's my first mistake; it's probably the cord. But the Kindle is CHARGING, so I would assume it's connected, correct? Plus all it is is a Micro USB - those things practically grow on trees! Well, anyway; moving on.
2 - slide the arrow from left to right to unlock your Kindle.
3- Open the Kindle Fire drive on your computer. Your Kindle Fire will appear as an external storage drive or volume on the computer's desktop. (THAT'S THE PROBLEM! I can't find it anywhere; not the desktop, not in My Computer, not in the Device Manager, not any random place I'd never think it to be) Note that the Kindle Fire is not usable as a device while connected to your computer as a storage drive or volume.
4- Drag and drop your content into the applicable content folder, such as Music or Pictures.
To me that sounds like something should pop up automatically. Nothing does.
I tried connecting the Kindle while it's off, on, locked, and unlocked. Nothing. By some weird fluke I can't find another USB cable at my house, and as previously stated, it's 2AM, so I can't go buy one. I'm 75% sure it must be the cord. But I'm 95% sure I'm just a huge idiot and am doing something horrendously stupid and missing the obvious. But does anyone PLEASE have any suggestions on how to fix this?


Favorite Answer

You have to wake up your Kindle Fire, just turn it on and it will show up.
Your Kindle Fire will tell you that you can now transfer files from your cp, and your cp screen will show the "autoplay window", then just click on "Open folder to view files".




Kindle For Windows 7


I just wanted to add my answer because there seems to be a lot of confusion.
I have an original 1st gen kindle fire HD, already replaced it once due to overheating which cracked the glass. It's now three years old and suddenly I can't get it register a device on any pc whatsoever. I have found A LOT of other people with this problem and I am happy to post the $10 answer.
******ALL YOU NEED is a new fastboot cable (which I ordered from ebay, though do get one from the US and not China), chances are your cable died like mine did and you threw it away thinking any old USB will work. It doesnt. Newer kindles actually dont need the fastboot cable but older ones do, fastboot cables have a pin inside which allows the transfer of information. Just jump on ebay and order a fastboot cable for $10 and I guarantee it will fix your problem :) Happy kindle times all <3 Casondra Starseed


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My computer won&#39;t recognize my Kindle Fire?
So, I&#39;ve consulted other online forums and such, and now I&#39;m coming here. I plug my Kindle Fire into my computer, unlock it, and then go to My Computer and look for the Kindle. There&#39;s nothing there. Nothing new pops up in My Computer after connecting the Kindle. I tried all my ports,...

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