What is your major source for news media and how to you foresee the future of newspapers ?

How do you most view your news? Traditional Print Newspapers? Internet? Mobile? Radio? Other or perhaps a combination of these?

What part of the newspaper is the most important to you? For instance, the Living Section? Sports? Classifieds? Business? Metro , Sport? or ? Check the obits to make sure your name isn't there?

How do you buy your paper? Do you subscribe to the internet ? Delivery? Buy it on a day-a-time- basis or sneak over and grab the neighbors off his porch when he isn't home?

In the future , on what media source will you most rely for your news?


Favorite Answer

Q1 Newspaper, Television and internet
Q2 Living Section, Metro
Q3 Delivery
Q4 probably internet

The Future of newspaper, unless they put "tons of useful material" and revolutionize it, not so bright..


I still like to open a newspaper physically with my own two hot little hands!
I have a newspaper delivered and although I am not totally happy with it's quality I still enjoy it enough to keep getting it.
As far as sections go....I vary. Sports, obits and business have no interest for me for the most part,
classified only if I am looking for something. Metro/living ...yea......I like to read about the top news worthy stories...although sometimes they are total BS and not newsworthy at all...of course I can always shred them and add them to the cat litter but my cats are rather picky........
The future may hold a decreased popularity of the daily paper but for me and for now...I stick to my daily paper but also use the internet throughout the day for additional info and/or updates!


Via WWW, whatreallyhappened.com (alternative outlet for world social and economics)

The section most important? Classifieds. Although I'm in a very secure self employed job, checking current occupancies and starting wages gives a good idea of the local economic standing and also provides a good source of self awareness and pride.

Newspaper? Most definitely not a tangible one! With all these iPads, iPhones, iLookAts, Ice Cream Sandwiches and Revellos, I'd rather read it electronically.

I foresee the future bringing a harsh control of what we can read via the googles. So between the Rush Limbaughs and the Howard Sterns, and the grip for control of what the people comsumes, I will mostly rely on the most educated unbiased source available to the average person who is themselves educated and unbiased.