Why was my post deleted?
It appears that whoever did this does not agree with my views and I do not think that is fair.
Is this Yahoo's policy to let only people with certain views answer questions?
It appears that whoever did this does not agree with my views and I do not think that is fair.
Is this Yahoo's policy to let only people with certain views answer questions?
Favorite Answer
Its very rare for one person to delete a post.They have a system of trusted reporters.The computer knows the trust of each reporter and how many it takes to delete a question. You dont say if its a question or answer?
Looking at your a/c I see all your answers are very religious. More scope for someone to dislike them,but they should not delete on didlike.I suggest you appeal.
nobody here can tell you why your post has been deleted since you didn't give any information like what your question actually was.
wild guess (since you refer to "agree with my views"). You didn't post an actual question but a rant, or your question wasn't an actual question but a statement and you were looking for agreement (which would be "chat").
yahoo doesn't have a policy like that, read the community guidelines, that's the policy that does exist.
If you really shouldn't have gotten reported Yahoo will send you an email to apply for an appeal...that way the penalty does not go against your account.
I responded to a previous post and it was deleted, no profanity or disrespectful content. Why
You were not necessarily reported.
Questions can be deleted by Yahoo! for many reasons as in http://help.yahoo.com/l/au/yahoo7/answers/abuse/abuse-03.html