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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

If my earlier post was deleted BEFORE you got to answer: need Christians' opinions please?

SUZANNE says that 'Christianity' believes this about G-d:

'He used the horrors of the Holocaust to demonstrate to the Jewish people their need to return to Him in a covenant relationship.';_ylt=Ag...

My earlier post got deleted, but I really need to know: DO most Christians feel this? Is SUZANNE'S answer an accurate reflection of Christian belief???


PASTOR ART - the question specifically says this is ONLY for those who didn't get a chance to answer the original post before it got deleted!

Update 2:


- the specific term Holocaust has always been used to refer to the almost successful genocide of the Jews. So yes, that particular aspect of WW2 does involve only Jews.

That is not to negate the appalling suffering and slaughter of millions of NON Jews. I wonder how Suzanne explains the deaths of the JWs, and gays and handicapped people?

Update 3:

CMW - I put a LINK, how am I 'misrepresenting' ANYTHING?

Update 4:

CMW - I put a LINK, how am I 'misrepresenting' ANYTHING?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once again, Suzanne's twisting of Judaism- AND xianity- in an effort to make her abhorrent anti-semitism palatable, turns my stomach and leaves me saddened that such people bother to speak.

    Suzanne, I am sitting here with a newborn boy on my lap, and in front of me is a certificate I received yesterday. It reads that "On the 11th of Tammuz in the year 5768 Itzhak Chaim ben Meir was entered into the eternal covenant of Israel in conformity with observance of Brit Milah as commanded to be kept eternally".

    Does it say I entered my son into a broken covenant?

    Does it say entered into a temporary covenant?

    And mostly,does it say entered into a gentile covenant?




    certainly not.

    You are free to pursue whatever mind warp you choose, but you are not free to apply it to my religion, my history, my culture and my people.

    For a woman who worships a dead Jew, you are terribly full of hate and the desire to hand out misinformation about us.

    Find somewhere else's to direct it.Why are you so concerned with Judaism? Is your own religion unfulfilling?

    Then take it up with your G-d.

    But as for myself and my people,

    we have an eternal covenant.

    No holocaust required.

  • 1 decade ago

    Paperback, months ago when she made a similar comment, I can recall there were multitudes of Christians who found them abhorrent. I hope you remember that most Christians did NOT agree with her. In fact, when that first arose I can remember so many people attacking her as well as a few atheists who genuinely liked Suzanne who defended her person, if not her theology.

    There is nothing you can say that will change her views (and vice versa) no matter how horrific they are to you and others.

    Thanks for posting the link. I, for one, appreciate being kept in the loop of this particular issue.

    Make no mistake, it is not an accurate reflection of Christian belief. Far from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I answer this question and tell YOU what YOU want to hear will You give me the best answer?

    Hitler claimed Christianity (Catholicism)

    Ozzy Osborne claims to be a Christian

    The USA claims to be a Christian nation.

    Come on. The proof is in the pudding.

    If I call myself a door then does that make me one?

    Quit clumping all who claim to follow Jesus in the same category. I at least know that the Jews are made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The other 10 tribes of ISRAEL were taken captive by Assyria and were never heard from again. God know who and where they are.

    Hitler was just plain EVIL to the greatest degree. As for everyone else on this planet our hearts are just desperately wicked in need of God's mercy and forgiveness - Jew and Gentile alike.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian, and I do not believe that "God used the Holocaust to demonstrate..." God uses all different types of calamities and blessings to bring all humans closer to him. He wants to save all, not just Jewish, not just Christians, not just Muslims.

    There have been other holocaust-type of genocide in the world (look at Darfur today!)...those people were not part of the first covenant, so why is God doing that? The point is that he isn't. All calamities are a result of sin, and when they happen, God does work in ways to bring his children to Him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God is ineffable.

    Who can claim to have wisdom to know Gods workings ?

    Is their Divine revelations concerning this ?

    Was there Prophecy concerning this ?

    From a christian point of view , Its not enough for people to just THINK about it & answer yes or no. Leave that to the non-believers.

  • cmw
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That Suzanne's thoughts are repudiated by most Christians at this site is clear.

    But your question is less than honest. She did NOT say "Christianity believes this about G-d: He used the horrors of the Holocaust ...." etcetera, as you have stated.

    Here's her actual quote follows:

    "God enabled the nation of Israel to be re-established after nearly 2,000 years and began to re-gather the Jewish people to the land. Christians believe this is God's first step toward reclaiming His people."

    You can give me all the thumbs down in the world. I don't care. No one has license to misrepresent another's words.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Jew was scattered throughout the world because of their disobedience to God while they were being led out of Egypt by Moses and Aaron. While scattered, the Jew has been persecuted, humiliated and otherwise treated like crap wherever they were with nothing near as bad as the holocaust.

    The covenant doesn't depend on the Jew, God made the covenant with the Jew and He will not break it. That is why I have trouble with the palestinian interlopers trying to eradicate the Jew and steal their land.

    The return of the Jew to Israel (fig tree budding) is a prophecy that has great importance because Christ is to return before the generation passes that was alive when Israel was reestablished in the middle east. Israel became a nation in 1948.

    Israel is split. Most do not believe Christ was the Messiah and in their opinion there was only to be one in scripture. But to the Jewish scholars, they knew there was a suffering Messiah and a conquering Messiah. The Jews put to death the suffering Messiah, in accordance with scripture, without realizing it for the most part.

    Many Jews will be saved when they see Jesus Christ come as the conquering Messiah and of course will be pretty surprised at their previous ignorance. But so be it. These are still the children of the King.

    Source(s): King James version of the Holy Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    No, not all or even most Christians think like this.

    As Christian, I recognize that the Jews continue to be God's Chosen People. He hasn't "unchosen" them yet and because He is unchanging, it doesn't seem likely that He ever would.

  • 1 decade ago

    As an atheist I think this is a bloody stupid question. Why would a god that that was not simply an out and out sadist do such a terrible thing? If you are interested I have put some of my religious opinion in my blog.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is not accurate of mainstream Christian belief which is the Holocost shows how messed up humans can be.

    Traditonal Christian thought places God's chosen people not as a race but those who choose to Follow God-the Bible says there is no Jew or Gentile.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a new one. I've heard the idiots say HaShoah was punishment for 'killing jesus.' But that never makes sense since he was killed by romans and without his death they would not have their religion's central doctrine of jesus's sacrifice leading to their salvation. As far as sh*tzanne's comment, f*ck her. She's stupid and ignorant. I wonder if she thinks the twin towers disaster was a message from G-d to amerika that it needs to return to G-d? She sounds like a religious whack job. Maybe the ATF will go Waco on her.

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