I need a new obsession! Suggestions?

Hello, I've always been obsessed about sth on my life, an obsession lasts about a couple of months & then I find a new thing, I was obsessed about piano, guitar, drawing, tennis, singers like BEP, Natasha Bedingfield, diet, exercise, clothes,......
& now there's nth!!! I really want some new interest, suggestions pleaaaase!!


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Picking up pocket change off the street.


Twilight, Bieber, Sims, WoW


You could try everyones recent Obsession which is the the hunger games.


How about genealogy? Find our your ancestors using a site like ancestry.com maybe.
Or learn how to knit or sew, learn how to make your own clothes & accessories.


YouTube 'kandi patterns' they're like jewellery/fun items you make out of beads. they're really cool and so fun to make. I would check them out on YouTube/Google you will really enjoy it :) i cant explain it all now but if you Google it then you'll get all the info you need :)

can you help me with any of my questions?? thanks loads ;) <3<3

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