When I go to my Yahoo mail there are these Y/M prompts the keep coming on.I have to keep blocking the or they just stay until I log back in later.
I already tried going to setting and uncheck these.Doesn't work.I believe it to be a malware file to have spam enter.My anti virus isn't detecting it.
Richard K2012-05-10T08:34:46Z
Favorite Answer
Click messenger top left in the messenger window scroll down click preferences then scroll and click ignore list. In the next window you will see where to add people to your ignore list or you could check ignore anyone not on my friend's list. then click o.k
Riki's answer is BAD. Why? Because every day these spam messages come from different sources. So you can block individual ID's all you like. It's not going to help, at all.
The fact is, Yahoo just doesn't care. They just want to promote their messenger at all costs. Just like Google doesn't care how annoying their GooglePlus is. They just want to make believe they're going to creep in on Facebook's franchise. Just like Yahoo has some executive who believes he can keep a good job for a few years showing how Yahoo messenger is catching up to other messengers.
If Yahoo did care, they would have an option of "block all messages that are not from my Contact list." Or "block all messages from people to whom I never sent an e-mail."
you have been hacked by ability of a Spammer... substitute your password ... use a mix of numbers and letters... this way the SPAMMER it is borrowing your account wont be waiting to reaccess your account... in case you pass away your IM up for long classes of time, this facilitates SPAMMERs to get right of entry to your account somewhat easy. Yahoo is between the least complicated to hack. in case you're unlikely to be utilising your internet or yahoo turn it off once you're away. This facilitates... good success ciao