question about an ex....?

So i was dating a boy in the navy who told me he loved me for about 5 months, and then I broke up with him and tried to get back together with him after that, but he wasn't really sure if he wanted to get his heart broken again. He left april 26th for basic training, and didn't say goodbye to me, and I heard he had been talking to some other girl before he left. Then just three days ago his mom called me and asked for my address because he had asked her four times in different letters for my address. Do you think he misses me/still likes me?


Forgetting someone you love is like remembering someone you never knew. It sounds like he does and wants to write you and talk. He probably did talk to someone else to ease the pain but the fact that he wants your address to write you shows that he still does have feelings for you. Another way is to write him and find out. Good luck