Or if conservatives win the next election A gun Government bonds Wall Street Bank stock
Now that the commerce clause applies to your wallet, the sky is the limit. This new found Federal pocketbook power is not going to help you or me but will make certain select companies richer for sure.
You guys are on a roll. I've never seen so many winning answers.
Proud of my Tin Foil Hat.2012-07-01T21:12:42Z
Favorite Answer
solar powered wind turbines to protect the gay nuclear wales.
If you actually researched obamacare you would know that everyone long term will be saving money because insurance companies won't have as much power to raise rates over the conman man. Maybe you should spend your time researching before you start b*tching on answers.
You cannot refuse health care in our society - particularly in the event of a catastrophic accidental injury, but also including infectious disease.
The Health Care bill just requires that this availability be paid through health insurance. It would have been smarter to just make it Universal Coverage - but Business was selected as superior to Government as a provider. This was a compromise that was taken from previous Republican-written plans.
You missed something. They already banned analog TV. Which could have been kept as a cheap alternative for the poor. Also, keeping some businesses going. Until the poor economically caught up.
Get ready to have to buy both of Obama's books Plus a suitable worship altar in you home.