Cable phone next to a modem?

Im getting cable phone installed tomorrow. Does the cable phone box have to be next to a cable modem and a phone jack?


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If you are describing a ADC (analog to digital converter) you will need to somehow hook your telephony modem (ADC) up to the analog lines that exist in your house. You can do this by running an analog line from the analog telephone box to the modem, or the modem can be placed in a room with a phone jack and "back-feed" the analog system. To answer your question more simply, you may position your telephony modem near either a jack or the phone box. Message me for more information or for help with the setup.


My guess may well be set internet innovations to in no way Dial a Connection, so which you computer will consistently look at your LAN for internet. as long as your modem and NIC do no longer proportion a port or something like that, you will desire to no longer have an argument utilising your modem to dail a voice quantity or to take calls, if thats what you have been utilising the modem for earlier.

joe r2012-07-11T07:49:34Z

the modem has the phone device built in if it is coming from the cable company... if you do not have a modem that has a built in ATA then they will replace your modem..

if you want your existing inside wiring connected to this dial tone then you may want it near a phone jack.. then you can just back feed the jacks with the dial tone provided by your cable company.. but you will need to make sure that the telephone company wiring is disconnected at the DEMARC.. if the cable tech connects it he should do this..