Explain what a server is on Minecraft.?

My son would like to have his own server on minecraft --- Can someone please explain to me what this means (please talk to me like I am a moron because in this case I am ;)
Is this even something a 10 year old can do?


Favorite Answer

I think you shouldn't give him a server, he can use one of the already many servers available. You probably don't want other people using your network bandwidth either so just tell him to suck it up and use other people's servers.


A server of any sort is a dedicated computer in a network (group of computers communicating/working together) that does a specific task. When someone makes a minecraft server, they make their computer a place in the internet that people can connect to and play together. Basically for games it shouldn't be that hard, just go on youtube and search up how to make one.


Hello, i am 13 years old and setting up a minecraft server means that he wants to let other people use a little bit of your network ( Not dangerous, i have my own server ) So they can play with him online.
its a little hard to do for a 10 year old and you may not understand what youre supposed to do
but if you want you can tell your son to join this server
tell him to look at the numbers and he knows what to do,

ill let him do anything he want.. build a house and such