Is belly dancing your plan B option if plan A fails?

It's really my plan C. Plan B is building a bunny farm.


Sorry N, meant to give you a thumbs up. Good thing I'm not driving, eh?


Sorry N, meant to give you a thumbs up. Good thing I'm not driving, eh?


Sorry N, meant to give you a thumbs up. Good thing I'm not driving, eh?


Favorite Answer

I'm afraid not. I've put all my time and energy into making plan A a success. I can't say that making condoms by hand out of Japanese seaweed and selling them on Ebay has been a lucrative venture by any means. On the bright side, Pigtails Jr. has decided to stay right here in the house and be home schooled for college. He wanted to attend Penn State until he found out that Mr. Sandusky wouldn't be there anymore. What can I say, the kid likes to play in the shower.


Plan B is obtrusive: repeal the present silly determination to define a threat loose hint gas this is mandatory to all existence as a Pollutant. that gets the EPA off each and every physique's lower back, as regulation of CO2 tiers is in basic terms as silly as taxing it. The ETS is a corruption of the loose marketplace - effectively the governments of the international tax each and every thing and use the funds to deliver fake indicators to the economic device. CO2 is plant food, no longer a pollutant. A vast apple Plan to advance fusion means may well be a great concept - we can want some thing like this whilst the oil runs out besides. tell me nonetheless - what do we do with each and all of the warmth generated by way of fusiion - which could actual reason extra warming than the predictions for Carbon.


Plan B is joining a convent and becoming a nun so that I get free food and a roof over my head after persuading the pope that I'm a Christian (Which I'm not).


belly dancing is my plan A

stripping was my plan A, but it didnt work out


Belly dancing isn't an option.

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