How could simply saying 'I emailed you' be a violation of yahoo answers guidelines?

someone asked a question about a site and rather than posting the site on yahoo, I simply said 'I emailed you' and now I find out that I was reported!!! That is ridiculous. Is this a legitimate violation?


Favorite Answer

I know sometimes the simplest reply seems to cause a problem. But think what you wrote is considered chat,and that's against guidelines. And obviously someone went and reported it,or yahoo themselves may have caught it.


I emailed you does not answer the question - hence it is a vio for chat, misuse of the format and point gaminng.

Have you ever bothered to READ the guidelines?;_ylt=Anav2RD1tUjrI0yFCj4CxKzOxQt.;_ylv=3

Can't find my way home2012-08-07T21:35:52Z

they think it's chat