In the vp debate, which candidate spoke longer?

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Total speaking time during the 90-minute debate (by CNN's count): Joe Biden: 41 minutes, 32 seconds; Paul Ryan: 40 minutes, 12 seconds.


I think it was a good debate. They both got their points in so on substance they tied. On the other part someone should have taken Biden's laughing gas away. He continued to laugh as that is supposed to be a good debate style Biden lost on style. He lost on being rude. Now that is being honest but then again no one cares what the vice president says and why did they not talk about the economy.
Ryan was the senior statesman and Biden acted like he was angry and yelled a lot.
CNN ORC poll 48% ryan 44% biden

Proverb 29:9: "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."


Who cares, A CBS/GFK Knowledge Panel poll of a scientifically selected sample of 500 uncommitted voters found that 50% thought Biden won and 31% thought Ryan won. 85% thought Biden was more knowledgeable, compared to 75% for Ryan. Romney had an advantage because he has debated almost two dozen times in this elections primaries and Obama had not debated since 2008. In the VP debate Biden had more debate experience.


Snap polls on vice chairman Debate. CNN says Ryan gained. Ryan 40 8% vs. Biden 40 4% CNBC says Ryan gained. Ryan fifty 3% vs. Biden 40-one% GOP already has commercials working featuring clips from the debate. appears like Biden misplaced to me.


Do you count when an answer is being given and the opponent talks over it? I would say Ryan gave more complete answers, but Biden used the old trick of talking over him or interrupting him. Ryan may have gotten an extra thirty seconds to a minute in answers, but Biden spent that time interrupting, so it came out pretty close to even.

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