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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Who Will Obama Choose As VP?

Here's a few possiblities:

Bill Richardson

John Edwards

Kathleen Sebelius (KS gov.)

Joe Biden

Ken Salazar (CO sen.)

Mary Landrieu (LA sen.)

And a weird but interesting one: Lincoln Chaffee

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Obama camp has wisely not leaked any VP choices so it is all speculation.

    Edwards has to be on the list, but I think him not endorsing Obama last week probably took him off the list. Edwards hedged his bets too long, IMO. I don't think he would be that great of a choice as he gets lost behind the fact that he is too rich for the poor to openly embrace and too pro-poor for the rich and middle class. He is also from a state too far north to be "really" southern and too far south to be northern. NC has 15 electoral votes and went red last time despite his presence on the ticket. A good presidential candidate for 2012 or 2016, but not a VP candidate today.

    Dem insiders seem to like Kathleen Sebelius to placate the Hillary supporters and deliver solid excutive experience in a hot name. That would be a solid ticket. She is very popular in 2004 red state Kansas and could deliver it, but that is only 6 electoral votes. I have seen her speak on TV and although she is solid and heartfelt, her stump speaking is nothing to write home about. She is a solid governor, but really made her name by kicking the insurance companies' asses.

    Gen. Wesley Clark has been a longtime favorite of mine who addresses a lot of Obama's weaknesses. As former head of NATO, Clark would give him a military, security, and foreign policy advisor (sorely needed) and a military, security, and foreign policy attack dog against McCain (if needed). Clark is very progressive, he is very smart, and his resume is clean. Clark has big time credibility in Europe and, with bridge-maker Obama, would instantly repair America's tattered international reputation.

    Former Marine Jim Webb would be a great choice for many of the same reasons. While Clark is a intellectual crowd guy, Webb is a hardnosed everyman. He is anti-iraq with a military background and is a straight and forceful talker. Webb just looks like he could break you in half. His speaking and debate skills are very plain, but top notch. Mainstream America gets him. He would be an excellent attack dog on the stumbling McCain. Frankly, if we lose, I could see Webb as the rising star for the Dems in 2012. He is a beast and Virginia has 13 electoral votes and went red last time. He could deliver virginia and maybe help deliver a few southern states.

    I haven't seen General Zinni speak, so I don't know if he is up to the VP job, but his resume sounds OK, not great. I really don't know if it helps to partner anti-war from the start Obama with a guy who was a loud proponent of us going in. There seems to be whispers that suggest Zinni is on the list.

    Janet Napolitano would be a VERY smart pick if the economy gets worse. She is a spendy liberal like Obama, but has been financially brilliant in Arizona at balancing the books without raising taxes and is someone who has her political and spending priorities straight. She is tough --- vetoing the Hell out of the Arizona republican led legislature. Additionally, she was Anita Hill's attourney. That sends the right kind of supreme court messages out that should really motivate the Hillary crowd. She is widely respected as one of the better governors and has a first hand take on the border issue. She is pretty damned salty as VP candidates go, IMO. Sadly, I don't know that she could swing Arizona's 10 electoral votes to Obama with McCain in the race. From an election standpoint there may be better candidates; From doing the VP job standpoint, she is up there with Clark.

    Joe Biden is a sharp tongued foreign Policy expert who I adore, but he does have a way of bungling campaigns by his love of his own voice. I doubt Biden could accidentally sink Obama if he screwed up--- Obama is too teflon. Biden seems to get along great with Obama and does strongly give off a presidential vibe in debates (not an insignificant point when people watch the VP debates to see if the VP seems competent). VP's often act as attack dogs on the opposing Presidential candidate. Biden would be a great weapon against the Republican candidate. He singlehandedly destroyed Rudy Guiliani. Biden is from a small state but does have his own fan base nationwide. Voters who know foreign policy know Biden, but he doesn't give the military bump with the security crowd that clark would and won't give you a red state like some of the others can. IMO the short list for Secretary of State should start with Joe Biden and end with Governor Richardson.

    NM Governor Richardson would be a very solid pick for VP. He has a well publicized and well respected resume. He is a great negotiator, but sadly an even bigger ego. He seems to read his press clippings and actually defended attourney general Gonzales on the grounds that he was hispanic too. That pandering lack of judgement might come into play turning off a lot of voters who would otherwise consider minority candidates. With Obama's aloofness, it could be risky adding an arrogant partner. I think a more individually approachable person would be good. In Richardson's favor, he would be one of the few VP candidates who could bring in extra votes that Obama would not get in big swing states Florida and Ohio. (Usually VPs don't generate many votes outside of their home state). This ticket would clean up the Hispanic vote.

    I think his best ticket in terms of electoral count may actually be Obama/frmr FL Gov. Bob Graham ticket. Obama will not win the red leaning older florida with a republican governor without a lot of help. Graham is one of the few candidates who could deliver Florida. Graham may not look it, but is very, very clever. If you listen to him speak for a while you really appreciate how smart and insightful he is. Graham never lost an election in Florida and is a fan of bipartisanship to accomplish bigger goals. He could definitely give Obama Florida and would give them a real chance to win several southern states with a black man/good ol' boy 1-2 punch. (I felt as silly writing that last sentence as you felt reading it, but it is nonetheless true.)

  • 1 decade ago

    IF he gets the nomination he'd be stupid not to pick Richardson. Edwards has proven that he's not really a commodity that most Americans care about. The rest have really bad skeletons that have been brought out before and that's the reason they can't win on their own (I'm looking at you Biden) or don't really bring anything to the table (Landrieu/Sebelius). With Richardson he could tap into the Latino vote that will not vote for him alone b/c Latinos don't vote for Black candidates (see Vaca "The Presumed Alliance"). Additionally, b/c Richardson is from NM he would make McCain have to fight in his own backyard (the southwest). Finally, by getting Richardson he would add experience to the ticket something that he lacks and will need to get the focus away from Iraq and experience and to domestic issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Arizona and there is rumours that he will pick Gov. Napalotano. He came to Tucson to have a meeting with her and people think he was asking her to be VP if he wins.

  • 1 decade ago

    Janet Napolitano, the Governor of Arizona, is also often mentioned as a potential running mate. Edwards, definitely not.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Flava Flaaaaaav (Crackhead - NY)

    Al Sharpton (Con Man - NY)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for giving intelligent choices.

    I think either Richardson or Edwards.

  • 1 decade ago

    Edwards?? No. He ( I think) wants to be Attorney General.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would think he'd choose Edwards, though Edwards is a bit of a coward.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agree with Nepalmer above. But I would say that Definitely Oprah.

  • 1 decade ago

    Chris Rock will be a good Veep. He has the same qualifications...good orator, no real experience.

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