Is there any real debate as to who won the Austin Jackson - Kurtis Granderson trade?
Pros for Kurtis:
Can hit an occasional solo homer. Average defense.
Cons of Kurtis:
Can't hit with two strikes, especially hanging breaking balls. Isn't clutch. Refuses to steal bases. It's the Yankee way, damn it! More one-dimensional than Adam Dunn.
Pros of Austin Jackson:
Hits for a high average, decent power numbers Can steal bases Phenomonal defense Has a lot of time to mature. Going to be a superstar, in my opinion.
Cons of Jackson:
Let me think...
Bob Smith2012-10-14T15:48:06Z
Favorite Answer
I have no idea what happened to Granderson. He was a 20-20 guy that played tremendous defense with the Tigers. Now all he does is hit home runs and strike out. And Jackson is exactly what Granderson used to be.
Tigers also got Max Scherzer in that trade. That's the reason the Tigers won it.
Red Moon- This summer I asked my friend who his Tiger is. His response was Granderson.
Granderson had a better season hit lefties better and was on case for a MVP last year. well when you are with a power hitting ball club your stolen bases will decline. the one thing with Jackson is the high strikeout rate because he is still young. I do have respect for granderson because he hit 40+ home runs which helped the Yankees take the East compared to a wildcard now if only he would start hitting. the thing with prospects is you don't know how they will preform in the Majors being a top prospect you wonder if the player is all hype. I think the Tigers got the best deal out of all 3 teams.
Tigers. We have been given a destiny CY youthful contender in Max Scherzer, an surprising bullpen guy in Schlereth, super protecting fielder in Jackson, and an surprising pitcher in Coke. Granderson could be up and down. Plus the D-Backs traded Jackson and Kennedy will take some paintings.
It's Curtis. With a C. I cried when the Tigers traded Granderson. Now Austin Jackson is my Tiger.
Curtis will bounce back next season and have an over all better year I bet. He DID hit 43 home runs this season. I think the coaching has something to do with how he plays.
I hated the trade when I first heard it, but I still can't believe how much we won that trade by. Let's also mention that Granderson makes more money than A-Jax, Max and Coke combined.
@Meerkat: He's using a K to emphasize how many times he strikes out.