This coming from the party saying Republicans need to be more partisan?

The Senate Majority Leader has declared that he "can't" work with Romney if he's elected. Um, excuse me, Senator Reid, but do you mean "can't" or "won't"? Remember, your beloved Democrats have been accusing Republicans of not being bipartisan, refusing to compromise, and obstructing pretty much everything. Now you come out days before the election and basically announce nothing will get done over the next four years if it's not your guy?

How can anyone possibly support Harry Reid or the Democrats when the Senate Majority Leader has basically said he's going to take his toys and go home if he doesn't get his way?


Favorite Answer

You do realize this is the EXACT same thing the GOP in Congress has been doing since 2009, right?

Hell, Obamacare was a plan introduced by Republicans, fer Christ's sake...they loved it in the 90's when Clinton opposed it. But then, Obama supported it, and suddenly it was "evil" "socialist" "Muslim" "Kenyan" and whatall.

In fact, it was GOP onstructionism that was part of the reason the US credit rating was downgraded. As S&P (who does the rating) said, it was because "the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues."




Google it.


It's like junior high all over again.


Sux when the shoes on the other foot don't it.