Is it bad to doodle in class?

I find it fun to draw in class, kinda like an escape from reality (who doesn't), but it has probably cost me a few points off my grades this semester. Should I stop it? It is the only thing that can keep me awake in class, because if I try to listen or do the work (especially in Accounting or Math) I might fall asleep and get in trouble. I learn most of the material outside of class tho, especially when it comes to Math homework...but in class I don't like to listen.

Am I just an artistic/rebellious type of person that likes to listen to music alot and draw in class or am I just a spoiled brat going to school on his parents' money? I feel its more of the latter :D


I am also a terrible planner & terrible at studying. Should I change this drastically???


Favorite Answer

A little doodling is fairly normal- especially if it keeps you awake. Try to pay attention some though, as it will likely help with grades.

As to planning- it is good to write things down- i.e. what the homework was, and how to solve the type of equation they are showing- but it doesn't mean you have to go drastic- If you remember the pythagorean theorem was about triangles because that was a page you drew a pyramid and a camel on, then it's working fine for you.


Only you can really know what your issues are. It's not bad to doodle in class. I almost never took notes in class in high school or college. Some people don't need to to as they can remember lectures and study from their text books. Sometimes I would write key things down, but generally only listen and remember. Some people can get by without notes, it does not make it bad.

However, if you feel your grades could be better if you took notes to review or study later, then it might be a good idea to try and at least write down the stuff that you feel you need to review.

If you can do well without notes, then don't worry. if you are failing or doing poorly because you're being lazy, then you ought to try to improve and study more and pay attention.


Um, yes.

I know it seems cool now, I used to doodle ALLLLL the time.... but then I reached university and bumped into this amazing guy who was so fricken organized/neat and studious. It was really sexy, and appealing. So i bought myself a fancy pen + notebook and stopped doodling.

Think of it this way: do you like seeing others doodle? Do you like looking at peoples bitten/ugly nails? Do you like the way rebellious people act? Do you like looking at people wear flip flops with jeans, even when their feet looks gross and dirty?

If you can't stand looking at others do it, why should you do it? So its up to you.