Obama declared "Lord and Savior"?!?!! Has Jamie Foxx lost his mind?


Is this yet another example of liberal lunacy, or the march toward the State being God? And liberals wonder why thinking people call them communists...


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You're suggesting that he even had one, he should be the poster boy for liberal lunacy..


Yeah, nicely, Foxx is a comic besides and likely wasn't serious. As for the Fox Noise chick, what the hell became she occurring about. i'm extraordinarily certain Foxx would not position self assurance in authorities for some thing, yet a hell of numerous undesirable individuals do--and a lot of them worship a god and vote adversarial to their merely right pastimes.


Honest, who is Jamie Foxx? I've really never heard of him.


Why is it when Jon Stewart criticizes Fox News, he's just a comedian - yet when Jamie Foxx says something goofy, it's suddenly a cause of great concern?


"Newsbusters: Exposing and combating liberal media bias"

This kinda reminds me of unskewedpolls.com, which was of course filled with a bunch of skewed polls. When will you cons get it? Its not the media that has a liberal bias, its reality.

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