Tricare insurance for kids under 26.?

Has anyone with Tricare insurance found out why our kids, under the age of 26, are not able to be added to our insurance coverage as the government has required the other insurance carriers to do??
When I look up the eligibitiy, it will sell them a policy rider for about $120/month, but I am not able to include them as most other health carriers are required by the government.
Could it be the government is making a rule for other's that they themselves do not follow?? That would be my guess. Anyone else found this to be true??


Isn't that typical for government! Make rules for the private insurers but not extend the same requirement to the insurance plans the government must pay for.
God help us all when this medical "free for all" kicks into full effect. I may have to give up my government provided health insurance and use Owebamacare instead, as it will cost far less out of pocket than keeping my Tricare benefits that were promised to me as being free, with payment being made for 21 years active duty. I am very disappointed in my governments treatment for veterans!


Favorite Answer

The Adult Child provision of the Obama health reform law applies to private insurance, not government insurance or programs.