Cheapest health care plan $20,000 a year under OBAMACARE?

Yes, I realize CNS News is a right-wing news agency, and I also saw that the IRS made an assumption based on economic indicators that may or may not be accurate, but what does this mean for lower-earning working-class Americans if it's true? Wouldn't that make the "Affordable Care Act" a huge oxymoron?


Alan Turing -- What if you don't currently HAVE a health plan? Remember, the Affordable Care Act has a provision REQUIRING everyone to either have some form of health insurance or pay a fine, so it seems to me if health care ends up being as expensive as the IRS projects a lot of people are not only going to be without health care but will be opening their wallets every year to pay a fine for something they don't have. Is it just me, or is that completely bass-ackwards?


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Every time you post this stupid story I respond with the same information. The average family spends up to $12,000 a year for health insurance without a group plan. It is goiong to cost less than that under Obamacare if they have an income under $88,000 annually.

EVERYONE ! ! Here is a link to the health care subsidy calculator so you will know exactly what it will cost and what you get back in a tax credit if you buy from the insurance exchange.

HOARSEMAN: Most people are covered at work and pay a portion of the employer's cost. But in America that does not include co-payments and co-insurance, and if you dont have a group plan you have an annual deductible that may cost in the hundreds to the thousands BEFORE insurance will pay for their share which is up to 80%. The insurance industry has a stranglehold on health care.


If true, this is all the more support for a public option as a cost control measure.

The public option was part of the original legislation that came out of the House but had disappeared when the legislation emerged from the Senate. Republicans and other servants of the insurance industry such as Lieberman made sure to eliminate it.

We can still push for a public option. It is in the interest of the American public. The problem of course, as usual, is getting such legislation past the Republicans.


Surely there is something wrong with that figure (?)

Even in the UK , private health insurance would be less than a quarter of that for the vast majority of families--that sort of loading would only ocur for people with high previous claims .


If that were true, of course it would be an obnoxiously high amount. Good thing the source is bogus, so no need to get worked up over something that simply isn't true!


It was a oxymoron long before the rates were discovered. But remember those smart liberal democarts passed it without reading it i guess that makes that statement smart liberals and oxymoron now doesn't it.

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