Higgs Boson and Symmetry ?

I know it's theoretical at this point, but does the Higgs have an anti particle?
And what would be expected of it's mass?


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ALL particles have antiparticles, except that some particles are their own antiparticle. The Higgs boson is one of the particles that is also it's own antiparticle.

The reason is that certain characteristics of particles must be conserved meaning that they can't be created or destroyed. Any creation of matter from energy must preserve conserved quantities. Electric charge, color charge (this is involved in the strong nuclear force), and spin are all conserved values. Since the Higgs boson has no electric charge, no color charge, and no spin (it has a spin of 0), it's antiparticle can be itself. Other particles that have values for charge, color, or spin must have antiparticles with opposite signs for charge, color, and spin.

All antiparticles have the same mass as their 'normal' particle.

who WAS #1?2013-02-17T21:55:07Z

Who can say? They don't even have the higgs. At that level it is all just statistical math. It's not like they can find a Higgs Boson and put it in a display case.

They think they can explain gravity with their imaginary particle. Nonsense.

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I dont have a clue. But thanx to yur question i have had some interesting reading here. Some good questions and answers.