UGH! I have cut down to 1200-1400 calories a day, and i look fatter than ever when i look in the mirror. I am?

50, weigh 132 and am 5'4". Please help!


Have you weighed yourself or are you judging yourself simply by the mirror? People aren't very good at being objective about their own looks, esp since we see each other every day. Plus, people fluctuate depending on the time of day and stuff. Esp if you aren't getting enough water (as opposed to sodium). And FYI, you're not fat. You are already at a healthy weight.


You need t least 1500 - 2000 calories a day to survive. It's a proven fact that if you don't eat what your body requires you to eat, it will produce fat just to help itself survive. Eat more vegetables, and fruits, and DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Eat a reasonable amount of proteins and carbs, and you'll actually lose weight :) just stay away from sugary foods and fast foods.


cut down calories a little more and exercise