Why would the royal couple name their baby Prince George after Zimmerman?

Seems like they would have named him after Trayvon Martin. Prince Trayvon.


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They didn't name him after Zimmerman, ever hear of "King George"...?

They could've named him King Trayvon, but he'd probably assault one of his knights and get stabbed to death.

Or how about his lovely wife, Queen Rachel Jeantel....she could babble incoherently until she was appointed to be nothing more than the Court Jester.....


Why would they name a royal child after a violent thug who felt entitled to attempt murder on a white/hispanic man? George Zimmerman did nothing wrong. Although it is a family name, obviously they are more intelligent and sensible than the race baiting Libs in the US.


king george... look him up.


Maybe because George Alexander is a nice, princely name and lots of kings have been named George before...makes perfect sense to me!


Now I know not all whites are bad and I have met a lot who have had a positive influence on my life. But these days I hate whites. They are basically hailing Zimmerman as if he is some sort of God and are glad that somebody has died, what the actual hell.

What is wrong with you all? This country is so messed up.

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