In your own scriptures, It is abundantly clear that your god is in fact a mad tyrant. He gave humans free will, but when they didn't do exactly as he asked he committed mass murder on multiple occasions. He murdered countless Egyptian children who were guilty of nothing more than being Egyptian. He encouraged slavery, incest, and bigotry. He tormented Job and his family for no reason other than to prove a point to Satan. Satan, by the way, killed 10 people and punishes the wicked. I think the writing on the wall is clear... Why do you all persist in your worship of a violent, hateful deity? Would a god of love ask his followers to sacrifice family members? To kill? To enslave? To pollute the environment? Followers of Abrahamic faiths are responsible for 90% or the world's war, strife, and conflict; is it because you are all inherently immoral, intolerant, violent people?
Edit: Sorry, but any group that discourages vaccinations and refers to their leader's incorrect conclusions (n multiple occasions) of imminent apocalypse as "the great disappointment" is most definitely a vile and disgusting cult, more so than all the other Yahweh cults.
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I sincerely hope you are NOT addressing this to JW's as we are NOT a CULT!
People who oppose Jehovah's Witnesses like to use the word 'cult' because this word has a general negative connotation. They are counting on people who are not familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses to simply accept this false label and then ignorantly repeat what they have been told. The following shows how this label is completely untrue: Cults are regarded as being small, local groups. In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses currently number over 8,000,000 and can be found in almost every country of the world. The World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses is in New York. Located there is the Governing Body, a central group of experienced elders who oversee the worldwide congregation.Jehovah's Witnesses - Their Worldwide Organization and Work… Cults are also regarded as encouraging their adherents to live in groups apart from the rest of society. Many also think of cults as being secretive about their activities or having something to hide. In contrast, Jehovah's Witnesses live and work in the midst of other people. They have nothing to hide. In fact, they desire to tell anyone who is willing to listen about everything that they believe.
Their book Jehovah's Witnesses—Proclaimers of God's Kingdom correctly notes: "Jehovah's Witnesses are in no sense a secret society. Their Bible-based beliefs are fully explained in publications that are available to anyone. Additionally, they put forth special effort to invite the public to attend meetings to see and hear for themselves what takes place Cult members are also associated with following living human leaders. Yet Jehovah's Witnesses do not look to any human, but rather to Jesus Christ, as their leader. Jehovah’s Witnesses follow what Jesus taught and put it into practice:
See: "Who is Jesus Christ?"…
That is what it means to be a Christian. Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere strictly to the precepts established by the first Christians.
Jehovah's Witnesses base all of their beliefs, their standards for conduct, and organizational procedures on the Bible. Their worship is a way of life, not a ritual devotion. Rather than relying solely on hearsay and running the risk of parroting bad information, Jehovah's Witnesses encourage people to investigate this further FOR THEMSELVES. This way, one will be in a position to be properly informed as to the true faith and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The best way to find out more about Jehovah's Witnesses via the Internet is through the pages of their official website:
Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe?…
Recommended Related Article:
Why Jehovah's Witnesses Are NOT a Cult http://defendingjehovahswitnesses.blogsp…
Actually, it is well documented that Judaism was polytheistic up until the Babylonian exile. The set of scrolls known today as the Bible were not put together until sometime during the Babylian exile -- and they contain entire sections that refer to a god known as El (and his court, known as the Elohim); and entire sections that refer to a god named Yahweh. When Judaism decided to embrace monotheism, they combined the two gods into one. But the original references still exist, and you can research this by looking up "the J writers of the Bible" "the E writers of the Bible" and also the Ugarit documents. Per the Ugarit documents, Yahweh was the son of El; one of 70 sons. Presumably these are the very same referred to in the OT where it talks about the sons of El impregnating the daughters of men. Dig deeper. The truth will set you free. Note to Steve: nicely answered, nicely researched. One tiny addition is that the Emperor himself claimed god-hood; and that ancient Romans were perfectly comfortable with the notion of multiple gods, and half-god/half-men.