Why are Con Bots supporting Insurance companies? When they are the biggest recipient of corporate welfare!?
They take your money when you are health. Drop you when you get sick, or raise your premiums so high you can't afford them. This pushes the sick people onto the government roles, where we end up paying for them.
Why support this?
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The Republicans at this point will do anything to make President Obama miss a step, All the while They are the ones looking like wallflowers. Its sorta like cutting off your nose to spite your face. They defend the Insurance companies because they despise the President that much. I hope I never see anything like this again in my life. I hope to live a long time.
What America suffers from is Corruption on all levels where Power is Excessive. Insurance companies cheat. Especially those with Liberal Management by those who graduated from Liberal Business Colleges where they were educated by Marxist Union teachers. If the Government run dysfunctional Justice System did its job the problems would have been eliminated long age. But NO! Liberal educate Lawyers screwed everyone. Now Big Corrupt Government "resolves" the issue by, as usual, granting More Power to the very corrupt people who caused the problems. Just like they did when they bailed out corrupt banks and corrupt corporations. Meanwhile Government becomes Bigger, more Powerful, and More Corrupt. You have been looking at the symptoms, not the Cause. Power Corrupts. That is why America's wise founders gave us Limited Government. When will we start to follow the Constitution? That is why we have anti-trust laws to prevent monopolies. When will we start to use the Law? A single payer system will be a Huge Monopoly and Big Government has No Competition.
You think they are getting welfare now? Just wait until the collapse of Obamacare and see the biggest bailout yet. Obama is going to give BILLIONS to the insurance companies because he screwed things up so bad. More and more of MY money given away by that basturd Obama.
Considering that Obamacare just doubled policy prices and raised deductibles to $6000.00, I'd say the current administration is the best friend the health insurance companies ever had.