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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

If we are broke and the GOP has to gut medicare why is there 40 billion in corporate welfare for oil company's?

40 billion in oil subsidies in Paul ryans roadmap to ruin


In the Gop plan this has nothing to do with Obama , he would veto it if it ever passed the senate

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Define Corporate Welfare. Unless you have a totally unique definition of it , the statement is not true.

    No one is gutting medicare, it's already terminally ill. That's the point. It will die on it's own if nothing is done. There is not enough money in the country, regardless of who has it, to pay for it. Ryan's plan is an attempt to save the people, even though the program is lost. He's basically trying to sell life boats to the Titanic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the oil companies have the power to do it, they will pull a few strings and get a nice shot in the arm from the rest of us. All candidates take the money when they can by the way, and we made it happen when the Supremes said they could. Something about a corporate robber being redesignated a what was it, an individual. Gutting Medicare would be a Goddamn shame. If it's got problems fix them. We used to be able to fix things, now we just throw them away even if an item works just fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What the republicans on this site are saying: At least we get something out of the oil subsides- What do we get? another bill from already beyond rich oil companies for 40 billion? Nice. We get Medicare for our seniors, we get medicaid for poor children, and for disabled, whether they are disabled from disease, or from war, or from accidents, or from being born that way, Ryans plan would give granny a 15,000 check that goes down year by year, for private insurance, and we know private insurance for people over 65 is expensive, real expensive, if your grandmother is in a nursing home, this money would pay for 3 months out of the year. essentially throwing granny to the wolves, period. Oil company profits just last quarter(4 months) were in the billions, with a B, why do they need subsides to pay for anything? Its like faux talking about NPR or PBS they claim they should stand on their own, well so should the already beyond rich oil companies, they dont need our money, and they shouldnt have it, period. Of course ryans plan adds 6 trillion to the deficit(ten years) as well as give these same milionaires and billioniares more tax cuts too(another 10%) in short the republican plan benifits the already rich big time, while gutting medicare/caid and many other social help programs, and it also adds more money to the millitary budget as well, do you see a trend here? they lie,the rich fly high and we die

    Source(s): Huffpost, Msnbc, thinkprogress, daily ko's, fox news.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We pay $30 billion a day in interest on the debt; that's a lot of money going to nothing. At least there's a chance we get something out of $40 billion, we get nothing in return for the $30 billion per day. We have got to start paying off the debt, but first the government has to stop adding $1.6 trillion to it a year.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's because only one democrat got a donation from an oil company of $3000. The rest went to the republicans.

    Watch the videos here: You won't believe the stuff that's going on. Even Lou Dobbs was impressed by David Cay Johnston.

  • Because they are stealing us blind and most people in America are stupid. I don't think I'm overstating this or being rude. I think most people I talk to have so little comprehension of the system they support that they really just must be stupid.

    Edit: I also truly believe that stupid people have supported every corrupt system ever created. From religious cults, and early empires when humanity first starting living in civilizations right on up to whoever supports this ******* idiotic two party system in America..meaning both Democrats and Republicans are just stupid followers. If people would independently study anything it wouldn't be hard to my conclusion...they are stupid. Self imposed stupidity is the only thing that can explain that Americans think there are two opinions on any political issue and just blindly pick the cultural bandwagon they'd like to support. No one ever needed to enslave most people, they enslave themselves.

    Things are changing however. Perhaps not in America yet, but the revolts in the Middle East are symptoms of people waking up and realizing that they don't have to and shouldn't be supporting systems that enslave and murder their children.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's obvious who they give their priorities to.

    1. Corporations that pay their salary

    2. Everything else that brings in profit

    3. Voters

  • 1 decade ago

    You mention the "GOP"

    however, I submit to you that BOTH the Donkey & Elephant have

    sold out to the DARK SIDE!

    & May The FARCE

    B with U!

    Please see my question: & thanks

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Because Corporations and Shareholders need government handouts more than poor people.

  • 1 decade ago

    So those corporate families can have really good health care and out live us all.

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