Do you value me as part of the Yahoo community?

I really value everyone who contributes to 'Yahoo Answers' for their interesting questions and amazing answers. It is wonderful to be a small part or this sharing of so much knowledge.
I just wondered if others felt the same and how many people actually value what I offer.
Please be honest and a simple 'yes' or 'no' would be fine.
More information would be really helpful.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this.


Favorite Answer

Rookie, I'm not familiar with you in this forum, but I value everyone who comes here daily for discussion and exchange. Hope to see more of you from now on. Glad you're here.


Sure I value all here on yahoo answers. Without you all I would be left to talk to myself and I am not that good of company.


I think, "Value" , As Not with the Points, But, with the Humane Friendship.