Why are some people that last to leave a social gathering?

I know a guy who is always the very last one to leave any get together. He is also very loud and hijacks the conversations. Does he believe that he is special. How can he not see that he is a total idiot and people can't stand him.

He seems to be quite full of himself, I wonder if what is actually happening is that he is insecure and this is how he covers it up. Then wouldn't someone insecure be more likely to retreat? I just don't get this guys behavior.


He was an alcoholic but, no longer drinks.


Favorite Answer

You are probly right, it sounds like he might be insecure and lonely. A lot of times insecure people try to over compensate and come off as full of themselves. When in reality these people are the most unsure of themselves. Maybe he always stays until the end because he has nothing better to do. There are also some personality disorders which cause people to come off as awkward or annoying to others and those people may not be good at reading peoples body language. If this is the case he may not know he gets on others nerves. Have some sympathy for the guy. Most people are here just doing the best they can.


There will always be last persons


Is he an alcoholic?